Dental Implants

Do Dental Implants Lasts Forever?

By June 22, 2022 No Comments

In the United States alone, 140 million people are missing at least one natural tooth. A staggering 42 million people or more are missing all of their teeth. Those who are lost teeth have considered dental implants at least once. Many patients have concerns about dental implants, which prevent them from proceeding with the treatment. “Do dental implants endure forever?” is the most pressing question. Continue reading to find out the answer to this question, as well as a wealth of other dental implant-related information.

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?

“How long do dental implants last?” is one of the most often asked questions. There a number of factors that determine the longivity of dental implants. The most important is how well the dentalimplants were placed. Having an implant dentist with a vast experience is critical. Dental implants, on the other hand, have a 25-year average lifespan.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgically placed medical devices that restore a person’s chewing ability or look. Artificial (fake) teeth, like as crowns, bridges, and dentures, are supported by them. For those who require tooth replacement, dental implants are a form of long-term, permanent treatment. One tooth can be replaced with a single implant. In this case, an implant is covered by a crown that looks like a natural tooth.

Dental implants can be used to replace teeth throughout the mouth. Implants can be used to hold dentures more securely than adhesives when someone has few or no teeth.
When supporting full sets of dentures, mini-implants are often utilized instead of full-sized ones.

Dental Implants Components

Dental implants are made up of three main components.
The implant, the abutment, and the crown are all examples of these.

Implant: The implant itself functions similarly to a tooth’s root. A titanium post is surgically placed into the jaw and is commonly constructed of titanium. 

Abutment: The prosthetic tooth is held in place by the abutment. This portion is screwed to the implant and remains above the jawbone. 

Crown: The crown is the visible component of the tooth that looks like a natural tooth.Crowns are primarily composed of ceramic, though there are cheaper alternatives.
The abutment is secured with this. 

Benefits of Dental Implants

There are numerous advantages to getting a dental implant. The following are some of the advantages of having an implant:

  • Improve self-esteem
  • They don’t move around like loose dentures
  • Improvement is eating and food options
  • Improves speech
  • Stop the loss of bone in the jaw after teeth have been removed
  • Youthful appearance

These are only a handful of the advantages. Depending on your specific situation, there may be extra advantages to getting dental implants.

Alternatives to Dental Implants

When it comes to missing teeth, dental implants aren’t the only choice, but many people believe they are the best. Bridges, dentures, dental crowns, and mini-implants are all traditional tooth replacement solutions that can be used instead of dental implants.

Factors Affecting the Longevity of Dental Implants

Dental implants, as previously stated, have a 25-year average lifespan. There are a variety of reasons why implants could survive less or more than the typical lifespan.
These factors are described further below.

Oral Hygiene

Implants will survive longer in people who maintain good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day is recommended. Dental examinations should be performed on a regular basis.

Food and Chewing Habits

Foods that are high in sugar, sticky, or hard can shorten the life of your implant. Your dentist will probably advise you to avoid them for at least as long as your mouth is healing.
Clenching your jaw or chewing hard might potentially shorten the life of your implant.

Skill of Dentist

The longevity of your implant is also influenced by the ability of your dentist. A poorly fitted or positioned implant will not last as long as one that has been carefully put.

Location of the Implant

People do not always use their entire mouth. A front-of-the-mouth implant will live longer than a back-of-the-mouth implant. This is due to the fact that the back teeth are used more frequently and with higher force.

Smoking and Drinking

Implant failure and diseases such as cancer are more likely in people who smoke cigarettes or drink heavily. If you want your dental implants to last, you must avoid smoking and drink in moderation.

Your Medical Health

How well your body accepts the implant will be determined by how healthy you are in general. How well your mouth recovers following implant surgery is partly determined by your health.

Your Bone Density

A particular level of bone density in your jaw is required for dental implants. With age and tooth loss, its density lowers. Mini-implants may be a viable option if your bone density is insufficient.

Reasons Dental Implants Fail

The majority of dental implants are successful and last for many years. However, there are specific instances where dental implants may fail. Dental implant failure is more likely in patients with certain pre-existing diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Many dentists will refuse to do implant surgery on these patients.

Implant failure can also be caused by poor oral hygiene. Gum disease is a major factor since it causes your gums to recede. The implant is exposed when the gums recede.

Do you have any more questions about how long dental implants will last?

Do dental implants have an indefinite lifespan? No, not at all. However, if properly cared for, they can last for many years.

Do you have any more questions about the lifespan of dental implants? Or would you want to schedule a consultation for dental implants?

Implant Dental Center in Houston tx 77027, offers dental implant services. Contact us today at 832-990-2600 to make an appointment. One of our friendly, knowledgeable staff member will happily answer any questions you may have regarding dental implansts.